Moments after merging onto the Dulles Toll Road today, I saw two gorgeous cars screaming towards me in my rearview mirror.

And then there was me in my M Coupe (MSRP approximately nowhere near six figures), all “fuck yeah, bitches, let’s go!” Suffice to say it was the high point of my life as a car enthusiast thus far and that the drive was worth every penny paid in tolls. As things, uh, quieted down just before the main toll plaza, I rolled alongside the silver one to smile and give a thumbs up like a huge dork, and was met with happy waves from the grinning pretty boys inside.
So much of the time, life is all bills, work, chores, responsibilities, and so on. It’s nice to have a moment where all of that boring stuff rewards you with the things you need to live out your teenage dreams.
The California is nice, the 458 is just crazy awesome. I have always been a fan of the M Coupe (the best pure sports machine in the bimmer lineup). How do you haul bikes with it though? I can barely haul my crap with my M3.
I kept my Mazda 3 when I got the BMW; it’s the bike & dog transporting vehicle and lets me keep the BMW safe on snowy/icy days.
I was in Germany on business and we were doing about 170K (~100mph) on the autobahn when a bright yellow Lamborghini went by us so fast we rocked in its air-wake. It wasn’t in view for more than 3 or 4 seconds…
Then there was the obviously-owned-by-an-american-military-person Toyota Tercel trying to push 170K with us…