
"Personally, I'd rather freeze to death than pee in my scuba suit." Also, despite having lived in Virginia for the past 21.75 years of my life, today was the first day I ever visited Virginia Beach. After getting a solid two hours of sleep and consuming a delicious milkshake and chicken biscuit from Chick-fil-a, my friend Hilary and I drove to the beach at 5am and surfed for a blissful six hours. I would also like to commend Hilary for being the type of girl who can get pulled over, cited for speeding, and STILL ask the officer for directions to the ocean.

Costa Rica: All Good Things Must Come To An End

Although I've been back for over twenty-four hours now, I've been putting off the writing of this entry in hopes that it will somehow delay the inevitable - that my trip is over and I am no longer in the land of little monkeys and $1 fruit smoothies. Unfortunately, small amenities like air conditioning and a lack of spiders in my shower have forced me to face reality and stop waiting for a letter from Costa Rica informing me that sending me home was a terrible mistake on their part.I spent my last afternoon surfing and watching the sunset, and then ate dinner at a nice restaurant in town followed by a bit of barhopping. At the end of the evening, I went for a walk along the beach to look at the stars, say goodbye to the Pacific, and gulp down enough water to avoid a hangover. The next ...continue reading.

Costa Rica: The Death of The Cremas Obsession

Surfing yesterday was completely awesome. The breaks were perfect, the sunset was unbelievable, and I was actually able to catch a lot of waves. I stayed in the water until it was too dark to see the waves anymore, at which point Rachel and I got cleaned up and went out for the night. We started by drinking Imperials on my patio, and then moved on to Witch's Rock Surf Camp Bar for pricey yet delicious blended drinks, and finally ended the night by watching scantily-clad prostitutes work the crowd at Mambo Bar. I always wondered who actually buys things like thigh-high red patent leather boots, but now I know - the Costa Rican prostitutes do.Despite the late night and the myriad drinks, I was up at 6am for my dive trip. A short drive up the coast and then a long boat ride out to a picturesque rock island, ...continue reading.

Costa Rica: “You’re sort of a high-end backpacker.”

The surfing was great yesterday. Okay, so I spent substantially more time either waiting for waves or being crushed under waves than I did actually riding the waves, but when I would actually get up and be surfing, it was such a rush. The Pacific sunset was also beautiful, and I stayed in the water until the last ray of light was gone.My friend Rachel from La Fortuna joined me in Tamarindo, and we went out last night for dinner and drinks. Because it was Sunday night, the town was fairly quiet, but the two of us managed to have a good time nonetheless. At one point, however, a little old Costa Rican man walked up to at a club and kissed me on the cheek. I've never been face-raped before, and it was highly unpleasant. I felt bad about punching him in the face, but hey, he asked for ...continue reading.

Costa Rica: “Pura Vida.”

I missed my goal of surfing at 6:30am this morning and ultimately did not hit the waves until after the water was literally as flat as glass. Since I was already wet and tethered to my surfboard, I decided to paddle out to the nearby island. However, it didn't occur to me that 'nearby' in the water is often deceptively far, so forty minutes after setting out from the shore, I dragged my exhausted butt out of the water and onto the small island. It turned out to be quite beautiful, and absolutely covered with large shattered shells, hermit crabs, and small tidal pools. Upon closer examination, I discovered that each pool was home to a number of cute little transparent slugs with green polka dots and little antennae. The slugs didn't even mind being petted.After paddling back to the mainland, I showered, had the biggest plate of delicious fresh ...continue reading.