The Gift That Keeps On Giving
Aisha has really gotten into this new game that I like to call the "Where's Waldo of Unsavory Specimens." The game goes something like this: we'll be out on a casual little stroll, I'll let her off the leash for a few minutes, and she'll return within moments with something obviously clutched in her mouth. Being the concerned mom, I'll sweep my fingers through her mouth and remove what she's holding, and then discover that she has set a new record for finding the potentially nastiest, most repugnant thing on the planet. Last week it was a decaying chicken bone and numerous pieces of goose shit. The other day it was something that made my hand smell so foul that I actually calculated how much it would suck to just sever the soiled fingers entirely.I just don't get how she can be in an enormous field and still find the ...continue reading.