Celebrating Four Years Of Dogly Goodness

Dear Kobe, I'm an asshole. I knew your birthday was coming up; I got you a new collar a few weeks before and I told everybody that we were going to celebrate with a cake and a birthday song. But the day came and the day went, and I was so caught up in my own little personal dramas that I forgot to stop and wish you a happy fourth birthday. So here it is now, hopefully better late than never. Happy Birthday, Little Duck. You're probably the best thing that ever happened to me. Before you, I never knew what it meant to love something selflessly. Sure, I love my parents and my friends, but you're different. You're like the kid I never knew I wanted - if I had a dollar to my name and that's it, I'd use it to buy you a pig ear. If we ...continue reading.


I just took Kobe out for his nightly walk. He did his little tinkle thing, then circled rapidly and pooped almost immediately. At the end of his squat, he became alarmed and spun around quickly, flinging the last dangling turd at my leg in the process. I leaped out of the way, tripped over my enormous feet, and stepped directly on the damn thing.And that's my cue to call it a night.
For the love of god, stop slurping at the fur on your leg. YOU'RE KEEPING ME AWAKE WITH THAT DISGUSTING SOUND.