If you’ve ever owned dogs, you’ll know that when a dog becomes exceptionally hungry, his stomach acids compound and irritate his digestive system, eventually causing him to vomit out unpleasant yellow bile.

Stop now if that sentence made you uncomfortable.

Kobe has stopped eating his own delicious kibble, and has taken to stealing Aisha’s food, which tastes better simply because it has the appeal of not being his own. To prevent this from happening, I feed Aisha only what she can consume in a few minutes, which means that Kobe goes hungry. Refer to the above part regarding hungry dogs.

So I’m sitting in bed, typing on my laptop with the dogs sleeping next to me, when Kobe abruptly stands up and begins retching. Being one who wants to protect her down bedspread from nasty stains, I do what any reasonable person would do: I cup my hands and try to catch the vomit. It turns out to be a veritable explosion of yellow liquid, and I am only able to catch enough for Aisha to try to start eating. At that point, there was already spillage on the bedspread, and I was forced to open my palms and drop the rest, to prevent Aisha from eating anymore.

Needless to say, I have already boiled and bleached my hands and the bedspread. I’m sorry, but that story was too great not to share.