Getting ready to unload the team van at another hotel. This time, Mary and I waited in the van and debated the merits of just sitting there all night until it was time to transfer to the next hotel.Our Rudy Project bags overloaded the sad luggage cart so badly the tires refused to roll. Jordan’s solution: more air pressure.Welcome to the south.More southern comfort. Not pictured: me. While the team bathed in grease at Waffle House, I caught up on work at Starbucks.Iona and the dachshund from the Spartanburg hotel having a moment. I’ve never seen somebody so excited by a 4″ tall dog.An over-caffeinated Jamie decided that Mary (aka Scoots) needed constant attention this morning. That resulted in Scoots exploding desperately out of the van at a gas station to get away…only to come crawling back when she realized there was nowhere else to go.