Why the hell are SO MANY incompetent drivers on the road in the middle of the day? My mere presence on the road raises the average speed limit by roughly 25 miles per hour. I’ve also been nearly hit by three ‘moms’ and two senior citizens, all of whom were meandering aimlessly from lane to lane as if they were driving on a deserted highway in North Dakota as opposed to busy route 123. If only my middle finger earned royalties…


Today’s Horoscope

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21) Everything you feel will quite literally be written all over your face now. Everything. So if you’re angry, don’t bother trying to hide it, and do not — repeat — do not — drive. Instead, why not just tell the person who’s pushed your buttons exactly how you feel about what they’ve done? You don’t have to be mean about it. In fact, the calmer you are, the more firmly you’ll make your point.