I needed a little break during the race.Michelle won bourbon bingo at dinner after the Gastown Grand Prix and earned a round of six shots for our table.These guys keep the pit sexy.Hanging out at team base before the Giro di Burnaby.Jessy was envious of my bloody arm, so she got one of her own.Out for another morning spin with the team. We paint with ALL the colors of the wind.The team at a pre-crit coffee stop.It seemed like a fun idea to let my teammate cut my hair before the White Rock crit. Yes, we are standing in front of a salon.One final evening at our lovely host house.After the road race in White Rock, Suzanna and I went to the beach. I did not pack a swimsuit.Suzanna found a crab.I tried to grab a seagull but was not quick enough on my feet. That is what happens after eight races.
One thought on “Putting the super in Superweek”
Those bathing suits should be the first things packed after our eventful shopping trip!
Those bathing suits should be the first things packed after our eventful shopping trip!