Every professional cyclist has their mom drive them to another country to race, right? Here we are just after crossing the Canadian border. I was stupidly caught off guard by the instant cessation of easy cell phone service, to the point of wanting to squeak in panic, “Wait, can we just go back to America for one more second? I need to tweet.”Team territory outside the race hotel in Gatineau. It’s fun to see how we all play so nicely when we’re not actually wearing numbers and bumping elbows.You don’t take your coffee and croissant on a porcelain saucer while eating in a parking lot?Trying to be equally prim while waiting to pre-ride.My first UCI team presentation. We were situated slightly off center at first, so the photographers had us shuffle to the side while all linked together. It was like the Human Centipede, but with less horror and more giggling.Everybody posing together before tomorrow’s race. The race won’t be streamed live, but just imagine all of these same people wearing helmets and trying really hard to beat everybody else to the painted line.