Things Scout does now that he is blind:
1. Eat
2. Poop
This is a complete accounting of his activities.
Because he has extremely limited vision, he no longer likes to walk at all. Not that he was ever spry – on his best days, he would jog for half a block before refusing to move faster than a slow walk. But now he sometimes gives up mid-walk and will not move. It’s great when I’m running late and he won’t budge from a spot on the sidewalk.
The result of this complete immobility plus his increased appetite from his medications is that he is rapidly becoming a polar bear of lard that does little but yearn for kibble.

He also barks at the couch when somebody knocks on the door and runs into the back room when I say, “Let’s go outside!” Kobe has always been reticent to come when called; often I have to drag him out from his nest under my bedspread as if his bathroom trips are a favor to me. Scout at least used to come eagerly when summoned. Now I stand by the front door, leashes in hand, calling fruitlessly while Scout enthusiastically head-butts the wall in the other room and Kobe snorts with disdain.
I’d make a joke here about a serious failure to be man’s best friend, but that would be doing a great disservice to either dog. For all of their quirks and vexing habits, I can’t imagine my life without their company. Scout going blind has been a challenge because, to be honest, I took the dogs for granted before now. I loved them and they were very important, but they were like social furniture that needed to go outside a few times a day. Now Scout needs more. He needs 17 medications each day and help finding his way around and somebody to comfort him when he’s frightened. When I fail at that, the effect is immediate: if I miss alerting him to a curb, he trips and lands on his face and I feel terrible. I have to focus more on his needs and do everything I can to make his life easier and happier. It’s taken some getting used to, but it’s also reminded me to pay attention to my pets and do everything I can to deserve their unconditional love.