Motherhood….Spare Me Oh Heavenly Lord
I know it seems like every post in the past week has been about dogs, dogs, and more dogs. There's a reason: my whole life right now is dogs, dogs, and more dogs. It's not a bad thing per se, except when it is forty-five minutes before my alarm is scheduled to detonate and I have one crying Shiba Inu gnawing on my face because she wants to get off the bed and go pee on the floor. (This happens every morning. Let me impress this upon you: EVERY SINGLE MORNING WITHOUT FAIL.) Nonetheless, I am actually happy with this messy little arrangement. Each walk, each feeding, each moment is an endless string of amusing moments: Aisha has become outgoing and bold, and is constantly flopping around like a spasmodic jellyfish or biting parts of Kobe to get his attention. To his credit, Kobe is charmingly playful and tolerant as ...continue reading.