Real Women Love Curves
I just got back an exam in my Retail Management class. Out of seventy questions, I answered forty-seven correctly. Forty-seven. That's a whopping 67.14%, which is a solid D. I immediately soiled myself from anxiety and crushing defeat, until the professor announced that the high score was a forty-eight, and that he was going to consider that to be a 100%. In translation, my forty-seven out of seventy is now equivalent to a 97.92%. Upon speaking to the professor after class (like the true grade-grubbing dork I am), I was assured that I was "golden" and "had done quite well".There is something inherently wrong with this situation. How can a professor commend a student for only knowing slightly more than half of the material already taught in the class? Don't get me wrong; I'm pleased with my A, because from my demented perspective, it's not about the learning, it's about ...continue reading.