Weekly Update: Wait, you wanted DAILY posts?
I've been very lazy busy this week, which is why I haven't posted anything. However, because I lead quite possibly the most exciting existence ever, a lot has happened in the past seven days, all of which I will share with you, my lucky readers, now. Lay back! Open a cold one! Both of which I've already been doing since 9:30 this morning.Victory (Sort Of) at the Mountain Bike RacesThis past Wednesday marked my participation in my second mountain bike race in a series sponsored by several local bicycle clubs and stores. These bike races are very exciting, filled with winding trails, thrilling hills, and great big piles of stretchy spandex. At my first race ever several weeks ago, I came in third in my class, a feat made possible only by the mid-race death of all but two of the other participants. My prize? A bronze medal, a plastic ...continue reading.