Weekly Update: Wait, you wanted DAILY posts?

I've been very lazy busy this week, which is why I haven't posted anything. However, because I lead quite possibly the most exciting existence ever, a lot has happened in the past seven days, all of which I will share with you, my lucky readers, now. Lay back! Open a cold one! Both of which I've already been doing since 9:30 this morning.Victory (Sort Of) at the Mountain Bike RacesThis past Wednesday marked my participation in my second mountain bike race in a series sponsored by several local bicycle clubs and stores. These bike races are very exciting, filled with winding trails, thrilling hills, and great big piles of stretchy spandex. At my first race ever several weeks ago, I came in third in my class, a feat made possible only by the mid-race death of all but two of the other participants. My prize? A bronze medal, a plastic ...continue reading.

Technical Difficulty

As I was preparing to leave work early yesterday for a meeting, my boss stopped me to ask if I used a surge protector when plugging in my work computer at home. When I explained that I did not, she said that I should borrow a spare from our office and be sure to use it, as the weather was often stormy in summer and I frequently work from home. This didn't seem to be a particularly unreasonable request; had she asked me to do actual work or something, I would have been significantly more inconvenienced.I didn't see a spare surge protector lying around, however, so I asked my boss for assistance. She marched into the storage room and produced a surge protector that was roughly the equivalent to what would be needed to protect the entire continent of Asia. "Here," she said, handing me the colossal box. "It's a ...continue reading.

And that was the time I had SO MUCH FUN

On Wednesday of last week, Bobby got an offer of $300 to hold a place in the iPhone line at an Apple store from 11pm on Thursday night until 6pm on Friday. When I heard about this offer and how much it would pay, I recommended that he take it without hesitation; after all, being unemployed only pays so well. I even volunteered to drop him off at the Apple store on Thursday so he wouldn't have to worry about paying to park his car.When we arrived at the store at 11pm, however, there was not a single other person in line. This particular store was located in downtown Bethesda, on a busy street surrounded by high-rise offices and posh restaurants, and I felt terrible about kicking Bobby out of the car to wait alone in front of the Apple store. Instead of leaving, I parked and offered to wait ...continue reading.

Differences of Opinion (And a visit from a guest writer.)

The Helen Keller of DrivingMy friend Bobby and I spend a lot of time together in the car. We both love to travel, explore, and eat, which means we are constantly driving all over the place. Because my commute to work is so long and his is so short (a function of being unemployed for a living), he is almost always the one who drives us, whether we're taking my car or his. I appreciate that he is willing to do all of the driving while I get to relax in the passenger seat, except that I am completely unable to relax for one small reason.He is a terrible driver.In the past few months, he has been pulled over once, hit a curb and popped two of his tires, had a serious near miss with two cars, swerved off the road several times, sideswiped a parked car ("But I left ...continue reading.

Closing Statement

Dear Paul,It has been about nine months since I moved out to start my life over, and I guess it would not come as a surprise to you to know that I've been doing a bit of dating lately. For the most part, I've kept everything related to our marriage off this blog because I don't want to hurt you any more than I already have, but I'd like to start hiding less of my life, which means the occasional post about dating and/or relationships. In case you do still stop by this site, I think you deserve an introduction to this new phase of my life above and beyond having me just jump right in.To be perfectly honest, I know that you have at least taken steps to move on as well. When I stopped by our apartment a few months ago, I was snooping around (you always loved ...continue reading.

Dancing Queen

I was particularly stressed after coming home late from work yesterday, and decided to unwind by spending an hour or so browsing iTunes for new music. I branched out from my usual artists by exploring several international bands, and found this great song on the German version of iTunes called "Boten Anna" that had a heavy dance sound to it. After a moment of urging from my roommate, I impulsively bought this song and spent the next hour dancing dramatically around the upstairs of my house with him. It felt like a wild night at a Eurotrash disco, complete with beer, breakdancing, and jumping on the bed, and I mentally congratulated myself for experimenting with some badass German music.That was until this morning, when my roommate casually mentioned that he'd Googled our new favorite song and found, not only that it was actually Swedish, but that the lyrics were not ...continue reading.