Resolutely Reviewing & Reissuing Resolutions
At the beginning of 2007, I made five resolutions for the upcoming year, with the following mixed results: 1. Curb my rampant road rage. Have you ever had a great idea in theory, but in practice it turned out to be challenging and difficult to implement, so you instead scrapped it and settled for something much easier? Me too, with law school, my career plans, and this pointless resolution. Instead of getting control of my anger towards incompetent, slow drivers who crawl in the left lane and gawk at accidents and don't use their turn signals and leave their turn signals on while exiting because THEY'RE MAKING A RIGHT INTO THE TREES OF COURSE AND CUT PEOPLE OFF AND WAIT TOO LONG AT TURNS AND DON'T GO WHEN THE LIGHT CHANGES. Instead of dealing with these people more productively, I just stopped going to work and started working from home. ...continue reading.