Task Five: Parched Much?

Wednesday at work was a particularly long, catastrophically boring day. It was gorgeous outside, and other than a colonoscopy, working was the very last thing Caitlin and I felt like doing. To pass the time, I proposed an impromptu task of finishing the contents of the upstairs water cooler by the end of the day. When filled to capacity, the water cooler holds a staggering five gallons of water, but by the time we began, the cooler probably held only about four gallons of water. However, the upstairs cooler receives substantially less traffic than its counterpart in the kitchen, meaning that we ultimately drank almost the full four gallons ourselves.Notable Moment: By about the third gallon, we were practically drowning internally, and were unable to laugh, move, or breathe without fear of accidentally wetting ourselves. In a desperate attempt to polish off the remaining water, Caitlin and I stationed ourselves ...continue reading.

Looks like somebody had a case of the Mondays.

Caitlin: "I hear you had to get a ride to work on Tuesday morning after our Happy Hour on Monday night."Coworker: "Well, I thought I needed a ride, because I didn't remember driving home. But when I got downstairs to my garage, I realized that my car was parked inside. So I didn't need a ride after all."

A brief (not really) synopsis of the past three days.

Friday: After receiving last minute notice, I attended an all-day conference in DC with my boss. I began the day by squeezing my car into an impossibly small parking spot that was located farther from the Metro station than my apartment itself. After purchasing my SmartTrip card, I tried repeatedly to shove it into the farecard slot on the entrance turnstile, until a kind woman behind me noted my complete ignorance and sweetly told me to just swipe my card over the enormous, glowing SmartTrip icon on the top of the turnstile. Right.The conference was actually rather informative, although I chewed an entire pack of bubblegum and drank two cups of coffee, one glass of water, and two bottles of Diet Coke in hopes that satisfying my oral fixation would also somehow prevent death by boredom. My boss played with his Blackberry and periodically scribbled illegible notes that probably said ...continue reading.

TGIF. Or something.

Today was an incredibly exhausting, exasperating day. It probably didn't help that I had only gotten two hours of sleep last night, both of which occurred while I was sitting upright at the kitchen table, under the pretense of studying for an exam that was rescheduled for 8:00 this morning. Well, I guess I put my head down at one point; Paul mentioned seeing me asleep on my textbook at around 4 am when he got up to use the bathroom. Naturally, by the time I finished my exam and finally dragged myself into work at 9:52am, I was stressed and sleepy, and in no mood to write the weekly report I had sworn would be in my boss' inbox by 10:00am. By an act of God, I was able to throw something decent together and click send by 10:13am, which was roughly one minute before I stopped working for ...continue reading.

They might as well have thrown away my soul.

My company refridgerator has a sign on the front that says that all unlabeled food will be discarded at 3pm every Friday. Until yesterday, I was unsure as to whether that was actually true, or if it was an idle threat. I am no longer uncertain.I had Thai for lunch on both Thursday and Friday this week, and had stored my leftovers in the refridgerator. I had every intention of taking them home and making them into a delicious Saturday breakfast, but when I left work at 6:15 yesterday evening, I forgot to take them with me. I made it about halfway home before realizing my oversight, and, being a starving pauper, I turned around and fought through rush-hour traffic for what amounts to roughly $4 worth of Thai food. I even contemplated taking the Greenway back to work, until I realized that I would probably pay more in tolls ...continue reading.