Just a quick word.
You may have noticed that I've been writing on here less lately. It's not intentional; I've just been with preoccupied so many other things that writing for fun has become something I always think about doing and never actually do (like flossing or driving the speed limit). So what's been going on?Well, first there's school. I'm trying to finish college this month, and apparently Mason decided that they had not consumed enough of my time/money/soul in the past few years, so my last two classes have been more than compensating. I'd rather be eaten by angry slugs than write another case analysis paper, and yet there are six of them standing between me and officially graduating. Work has also been, um, fun. As law school approaches and my window of time for being gainfully employed dwindles, I've been trying to put in as many hours as possible. The result is ...continue reading.