Just to clear a few things up…
My dropping out of law school Facebook group periodically generates a number of questions or comments on my life/my decision/my status. To save time and to serve as a reference for future inquisitive law students, here is my FAQ section.1. Why did you drop out of law school?I didn't. Which part of "leave of absence" made it sound like I was not going back? Sure, I have no intention of ever going back, but that shouldn't be at all clear from saying that I took a leave of absence. And besides, are you always so nosy? What if my answer is that I had chronic diarrhea that was severely impacted by the pressure of the Socratic Method? How awkward would that conversation be?2. Do you plan on going back next fall?I don't know. I will not know until classes start and I realize that I am either seated in the ...continue reading.