Just to clear a few things up…

My dropping out of law school Facebook group periodically generates a number of questions or comments on my life/my decision/my status. To save time and to serve as a reference for future inquisitive law students, here is my FAQ section.1. Why did you drop out of law school?I didn't. Which part of "leave of absence" made it sound like I was not going back? Sure, I have no intention of ever going back, but that shouldn't be at all clear from saying that I took a leave of absence. And besides, are you always so nosy? What if my answer is that I had chronic diarrhea that was severely impacted by the pressure of the Socratic Method? How awkward would that conversation be?2. Do you plan on going back next fall?I don't know. I will not know until classes start and I realize that I am either seated in the ...continue reading.

Eating Disorder Jokes Are The Best

I walked into the kitchen this morning to discover my coworker making two frozen pretzels."I am starving," he remarked. "I feel like Karen Carpenter."I laughed and pointed out that if he were Karen Carpenter, he'd eat them both and then throw them up immediately."No," he replied. "If I were Karen Carpenter, I'd make them and then just look at them."

Elevator Etiquette

Upon returning from getting my lunch today, I boarded the elevator in the lobby of my building. Three other people also got on, so I squished myself into the corner to conserve space. A middle-aged man was standing immediately next to me, nearly touching my shoulder.Two stops later, it was just him and me remaining in the elevator, still standing uncomfortably close to one another and crammed into the corner despite the fact the the rest of the elevator was empty. I understand why he didn't move; it would seem offensive if he were to step away from me, almost as if I was repulsive. But by the same token, it was exceptionally awkward to remain in a spacious, silent elevator within poking distance of another person.

This is what you’re missing.

A lot of people who have been reading this blog lately are coming here as a result of a link on the "I've Thought About Dropping Out Of Law School At Least Ten Times Today" group page on Facebook. (If that's you, then Hi! What the hell are you doing away from your damn textbooks? Haven't you heard of the standard bell curve?) As a result, I figured I'd do a little post about what it's like to work at that first real job after college, the real job I finally got nine weeks after leaving law school.I'm not going to delve into too much detail for fear of being dooced, but I will say that I work for a small company that helps other companies secure contracts to do business with the federal government. My experience in this field was minimal, but I bathed the day of my interview ...continue reading.

Out And About

My coworker and I were in the office kitchen this morning preparing our respective cups of tea. I 'borrowed' some honey from Starbucks' condiment bar last Friday, and decided to offer my friend some of the fruits of my crime to sweeten his tea."No thanks," he replied. "If I'm going to get honey from someone, it's not going to be from a woman."