Training Camp Recap: Despite Everything, Still A Happy Camper

Camp was pretty awesome. There was the part where I got violently ill with what later turned out to be norovirus (that crap that takes out entire cruise ships), but other than that, it was great! I didn't do much writing on here while I was there, partially because I was busy and partially because I was busy being sick and lethargic, but I'll try to make up for it with a recap now. The Place Borrego Springs is a small town (population 3,500) in the desert. In the entire time I was there, I did not go to a single store or restaurant, so I don't have much to report on the town. Burritos from Carmelita's were delivered for lunch one day and were quite tasty, so score one for Borrego dining. On the other hand, when I called the owner of one of our rental houses to report a ...continue reading.

Training Camp: The End of the Beginning (in Photos)

[caption id="attachment_3883" align="alignnone" width="614"] Visiting Christmas Circle, the traffic circle renowned as a Borrego Springs landmark. Notice the bike lane sign in the background? The residents were very considerate of cyclists on the road, with the notable exception of a police car that buzzed our group twice on one ride.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_3868" align="alignnone" width="614"] Gathering at home base before a ride. I'm subconsciously trying to hide my pasty legs with my pasty arms.[/caption] [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="614"] Post-ride burrito refueling with teammates and Dan, manager and master of the service course. Of course I'm busted with my hand in the bag of tortilla chips. Not pictured: the stern look I got from Dan when I dove in for more chips after swearing I was done.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_3869" align="alignnone" width="614"] My first ride back with the team after The Plague. My hunch in this photo isn't poor posture (this time) - ...continue reading.

Training Camp: Fortunately, Colavita offers a variety of ideal post-illness foods

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="614"] Cruising around Borrego Springs in the Colavita team van. My butt felt honored to occupy a seat that had previously been filled with so many talented butts.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_3852" align="alignnone" width="614"] Doing a photo shoot for Fine Cooking magazine. While it felt a little silly to pretend to be sipping wine in our kits immediately after a ride, it was pretty close to reality to have all of us swarm the kitchen to make post-ride food. And between the Colavita supplies and the Fine Cooking recipes, we have made some amazing meals here. I was starting to worry about coming home from camp five pounds heavier...until the death flu/food poisoning/horror struck.[/caption] [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="614"] Chilling in the shade during the team photo shoot. I was able to perk up enough for the photos, but then spent the rest of the day curled up on the ...continue reading.

Training Camp: Don’t eat the spinach

Not pictured: The part where I was knocked down yesterday evening with a wicked case of food poisoning that put me in the ER and eventually took down a number of my teammates as well. More team photos by the wonderful Dan Coleman, who kept me company while I was miserably ill in the hospital and then drove me the long way back to camp in the middle of the night, can be found here.

The best conversation of training camp thus far

The Scene: We're all sitting around the dinner table talking about The Bachelor (having already exhausted the topics of periods, birth control, chamois/girl part interaction, chocolate, etc). Everybody has various levels of experience with The Bachelor, and then comes this: "Big Suze loves The Bachelor!" "Is Big Suze your cat?" "No, my mother-in-law." Maybe this won't be nearly as funny to you, but everybody who heard this interaction broke a sweat from laughing so hard. It's a conversation I won't want to forget, much like everything else about this experience.

Training Camp: Making my way to Borrego Springs.

[caption id="attachment_3829" align="alignnone" width="225"] That musette bag in my hand is stuffed with travel food that started to smell within minutes of walking into the airport. Pity my seatmates on the 5+ hour flight. When I pulled out the first baggie, the guy next to me looked over with raised eyebrows and asked, "Spinach?" I felt so proud to smugly reply, "No, kale." [/caption] [caption id="attachment_3831" align="alignnone" width="300"] The first stop after leaving the airport in San Diego was to get fish tacos, because FOOD.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_3832" align="alignnone" width="300"] Team vehicles! Holy balls, I feel like a pro. Then two seconds after I took this, our director called me a dork and everything felt right in the world.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_3833" align="alignnone" width="300"] Borrego Springs is gorgeous.[/caption]