In which I revisit milkshakes one last time
I don't want to make every post about this eating disorder, but frankly, it's the most interesting thing in my life at the moment and, gravity of the issue aside, it's fertile ground for dark humor. When I'm crying over a pancake or bonking on a recovery spin, it doesn't exactly seem funny, but in retrospect the absurdity is entertaining. In a sense, I'm laughing at me, not with me, but it brings perspective and makes me want to skip the mockery-worthy behavior in the future. Case in point: I rode extra long last Friday, cracked hard from lack of proper food, acknowledged this and vowed to be better, went out that same night for toasted marshmallow milkshakes, panicked, and hurried home to throw up. I know. Terrible thing to do, etc. It was awful in the execution, not least of all because of this:When I throw up, blood vessels ...continue reading.