I was overcome this afternoon by a craving for a diet soda. Knowing how finicky and fleeting my tastes have been lately, I waited for over an hour before gathering my purse and heading to the deli downstairs. On my way, I stopped in the ladies’ room, at which point I realized that what I truly wanted was a Perrier, and that if I didn’t get a Perrier soon, I would die.

That urge lasted until I was in the elevator heading downstairs, when I was struck by the desire for nothing at all. I almost turned around and went back upstairs empty-handed, but decided to get a soda and a Perrier anyways, just in case.

By the time I returned to my office, I had purchased nearly every single thing the deli had to offer. I say nearly, because the one thing I didn’t buy was the Dove vanilla ice cream bar covered in dark chocolate, which happens to be the single item in the universe that I want right now.